Oh what things can change in such a short amount of time. Since I wrote last things have been put on the fast track. I suppose they've been there all along, but I was oblivious, so I guess I just noticed things were on the fast track.
About a week after the last post, I got a call from Jana asking about my vaccinations and where I was on getting them started. A not-so-long-story short, she informed me that I only need to have started the vaccinations in order to be eligible to be listed for transplant. Before, I incorrectly thought that they needed to be completed which would mean about 6 more months. With this new information things dramatically changed.
Tomorrow afternoon my family will be here in person or via phone call (Oh ya, and I'm in the hospital again) for a family transplant meeting. We'll all get the same info at the same time so everyone is fully informed and in the loop. Then if everything is in order I will be presented to the transplant board next Monday morning. If everyone agrees that I'm a good candidate then I will be immediately listed. Wow, right? Ya, it came pretty fast.
I've been through one big freak out and enough little ones to know I'm still being realistic with my expectations. I'm sure I'll be having another large one on Monday when it becomes all too real again. Thankfully, most days I spend my thought time thinking of all the things I'll be able to do when I have new, healthy lungs. The list continues to grow exponentially everyday.
The average wait time here is only 2 months, so there's a really good possibility that I'll be celebrating my 28th birthday with new lungs! This wait time is going to be somewhat torturous I'm sure, but I know I have a lot of people praying for us and I am so very grateful that we are not alone in this.
Some good friends of our family are putting together a fundraiser for us to help with all the costs that insurance won't cover after transplant. Again, so many answers to prayer so many times in our lives it's almost unbelievable. We are blessed beyond words and far more than what we deserve.
Thank you for being part of our lives.
(And for those who don't know, the title of today's blog comes from the episode "Job Switching" from I Love Lucy. My favorite show of all time :) )