Wednesday, November 5, 2008


For all of you who have commented to me on this blog, I am so sorry!  I thought blogspot would notify me somehow if I had comments, but it didn't so I never saw them until tonight!  I so appreciate all of your comments, prayers, and love...I hope you know how much they mean to me.  And from now on, I will check to see if I have comments so I can write back!

Thanks again!!

P.S. After writing this I found where to change settings so that I do get notified when I get comments :)


  1. Hello my lovely Sister,

    I went back to work on Wednesday. I'm tired but pushing through. I'm sorry to hear about the kidney damage. I was bad about my diabetes for about 4 years. It's only been since about May I have really been concentrating on taking care of it. I was in the same boat you were in I ingnored it. I just wanted you to know you are not alone. My best A1C ever came back in September. It was 6.8. I know you understand what it means but the one before it was 9.9. I have been praying for you each night. I'm glad to hear you were doing a little better. I worry about you. Munch wanted me to tell you she loves and wants to see you when you get back. She really loves her Aunts and is sad she doesn't get to spend more time with them. So I promised her we would see you more often. She is struggling with the loss of Aunt Barb. We talk about her everyday. I think it is a good thing we talk about it. I was afraid she was going to bottle it up. I forget how grown up she has become. I have pictures of her in her Halloween costume. I'll try and get them online if I can. She was a gothic Fairy. She looked very cute. She had pink hair it was hilarious. Just know we are thinking about you. We need to get together for a game night when you get home. I really miss having them. We always had so much fun. :).
    I love you sister.
    See you soon,


  2. Hey Becky! I came across your blog through Vicky Snyder's. E-mail me your phone number sometime and tell me when a good time to give you a call would be. Or you can give me a call whenever, my # is 826-1848. Love, Lauren

  3. Becky,

    Just wanted say HI. I really like ready about whats going on and of course you are in my prayers. Its about 5;22 on Thursday, but wanted to just say hi before I left.
    Have a good night. Hope to see you at the xmas party. Dec 5.

    Take care

  4. Becky,
    As I'm reading what I wrote I just realized I can't spell either. I meant to say I like to read what you write.
    I hope you keep this going even when your home.

